Energy drinks leave new father with hole in his skull

Energy drinks leave new father with hole in his skull

California (Web Desk): American national married couple Brianna and Austin, last names not shared, were expecting their first child together when Austin suffered a severe medical complication from drinking energy drinks.

“Being pregnant is supposed to be one of the most amazing journeys you will ever embark on,” Brianna wrote in a message shared on Facebook. “You're creating a new life. You are experiencing unconditional love for someone you have not even met.”

When Brianna was nine-months pregnant, she writes that she went to bed like normal, but woke up to a life-changing scene.

Over the weeks, Brianna says “We chased him all over the state as more operations and procedures were ordered. I saw him every chance I got. At a little over 2 months old, our son finally met his dad. A day I wasn't sure I would ever see. That was the day that my heart gained some of its happiness back.”

A little while after that, Brianna says she was able to bring Austin home, but their lives have been altered dramatically because of the brain hemorrhage.

In her final paragraph on Facebook, Brianna writes:

“Our life isn't normal. There are doctors visits and hospital trips- so many that I loose[sic] count. But we are here. Fighting. I wake up every day to take care of our beautiful little boy and my husband. I prepare the meals, do physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. I help him with personal hygiene. I help him walk. I help him with every aspect of his life. And in between these tasks I take care of our very busy eight month old. It is hard, and I am tired, but we make the most of it. He isn't the same man I fell in love with, but I still fall further everyday, We are fighting to help him recover. To make his life better.”