Watch: Kajol 'caught eating beef'

Watch: Kajol 'caught eating beef'

New Delhi (Web Desk): Bollywood actor Kajol is facing criticism for the video posted on Monday in which Kajol is present at a pop up lunch by one of her dear friends and is blissfully describing what she is about to eat. A ‘beef’ dish that her friend had prepared.

Following the video was posted on her social media accounts, the actor became subject to trolls. Later, she clarified that it was actually buffalo meat.

Kajol had to issue a statement on Twitter in order to avoid a massive controversy from India’s ban on beef, saying that the dish had buffalo meat and she did not want to hurt any religious sentiment.

It's a beautiful Sunday life ! ???? fun and ????????. @foodstories_1

A post shared by Kajol Devgan (@kajol) on

Kajol wrote, “A video of me at a friend’s lunch said that there was a beef dish at the table. That’s a miscommunication. What was shown was buffalo meat that is legally available meat. I’m issuing this clarification because this is a sensitive matter that may hurt religious sentiments, which is not my intention.”

After negative comments the actor was compeled to delete the clip from her Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Watch the video here: