Best remedies to relieve stomach heat

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Lahore (Web Desk): Stomach heat is a common problem that can be really irritating and difficult to deal with. Eating spicy foods is one of the major causes of stomach burn. Stomach heat can also be caused due to consumption of cigarettes and hot foods.

It should be taken care of as soon as possible or it can wreak havoc on our stomachs and the digestive fluids inside. 

Here are some home remedies that will help you provide relief from a heated stomach:

Plenty of water 
Drinking plenty of water daily means a better and stable stomach so drinking lots of water on a heated stomach will provide instant relief by flushing out the toxins through urine that are prepared by the excessive heat and ensure a stable and happy digestive system. 

Plain yogurt is one of the best dairy product to cure a heated stomach. The active cultures present in plain yogurt help boost the good bacteria of the gut and aid in better digestion by helping the release of heat from the body. Buttermilk and thandai are also great dairy products for relief against stomach heat.

Cold milk 
Cold milk can help cool down the heat of the gut by lowering the acidity and its soothing properties will help in the eradication of irritation caused by the stomach heat. A glass of raw or cold milk in the summers is a great remedy to ensure a happy stomach.

Boiled rice 
Boiled rice is another food that comes to the rescue when you have a heated gut, by cooling it and increasing the water content. This extra hydration eases the stomach but make sure you are eating bland white boiled rice and not adding any spices or herbs to it.

Hydrating foods 
In the case of a stomach heat attack, be sure to grab some water-rich foods like apples, cucumbers, and watermelons as their high water content will help the digestive system cool down and ensure its proper functioning. During a stomach heat period, avoid any citrus fruits like oranges as they tend to increase the acids of the gut and contribute to the rising temperature levels in the stomach.

There are a certain amount of herbs that have a cooling effect on the body like peppermint and chamomile. Thanks to their cooling properties, a cup of peppermint tea can ensure the relief from the excessive heat and increased acid levels of the stomach.

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