'Prudent policies yielding positive results, economy stabilising gradually'

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Islamabad: Prime Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has said that the government is successfully achieved tangible results of economic growth during its first hundred days.

In a televised address to the nation on completion of one hundred days of government on Saturday, PM Shehbaz said prudent policies have yielded positive results and now economy is stabilizing gradually.

Shehbaz Sharif underscored that the national economy is steadily improving, attributing this positive trend to the government's policies. He noted that all economic indicators are on a positive trajectory.

The PM said significant reduction in prices of petroleum products will provide relief to people. He pointed out that the inflation rate, which stood at thirty-eight percent a few months ago, has now decreased to twelve percent. He also mentioned a reduction in the interest rate to twenty point five percent. He emphasized that these declines in inflation and the policy rate will encourage investment and stimulate business activities across the country.

The premier announced that friendly countries of Pakistan have pledged to invest billions of dollars in the country.  He assured that the government will facilitate these investments through Special Investment Facilitation Council focusing on agriculture, energy, and other sectors. He said a ministerial committee has been formed to oversee the privatization of loss-making state-owned enterprises.

Shehbaz Sharif emphasized that the digitization of the Federal Board of Revenue will save billions of rupees for the national exchequer. The Prime Minister further highlighted reduction of over ten rupees per unit in electricity tariff for the industrial sector.

PM Shehbaz praised overseas Pakistanis for sending three billion dollars in remittances last month, endorsing their confidence in the government's policies.

Regarding long-term economic plans, he stated, we have begun implementing our economic agenda for the next five years and are committed to maintaining the success of our economic strategies.

Shehbaz Sharif said that the private sector would be encouraged to establish new industrial units. He extended felicitation to the Pakistani nation and the Muslim Ummah on the auspicious occasion of Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha.

The Prime Minister condemned the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza, describing it as unprecedented in human history. He expressed sorrow over the loss of thousands of innocent lives, including children, and prayed for the freedom of illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine.

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