Ways to get glowing skin without spending a lot of money?

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Lahore (Web Desk): The skin is a living organ, needs extra care. Especially during winter all face cracked, irritated, flaky, or inflamed skin. So you can get pore-free glowing skin with a little workout. Her are few methods that may help you to attain your required supple, soft and glowing skin.   

1. Wipe off wrinkles with this Lemon and honey mask

Apply a mixture of one tablespoon of organic raw honey and half a squeezed lemon for at least half an hour. Wash away with warm water, finishing with one splash of cold water to close your pores. Pat gently with a towel to dry and follow up with your regular morning routine.

2. Use Green tea as a toner

Green tea contains antioxidants are really beneficial for our skin. Use it instead of your toner on a regular basis. Just freeze freshly prepared green tea for this purpose. Take the ice cube out and rub gently on your skin. It will give you a refreshing feel and benefit your skin as well.


3. Use haldi 

If you’ve got wrinkles, dark circles, acne, hair growth use a haldi face mask until it’s hardened. Add one egg white, two drops of olive oil, some squirts of lemon juice and rose water with two teaspoons of haldi and amalgamate it all in a bowl. Wash it off with warm water and opt for an oil like jojoba instead of a cream to moisturize, afterward.


4. Oil cleanse with castor oil and olive oil

Massage on the face with the mixture of castor oil with olive oil, in a circular motion for around a minute and then place a towel, soak it under hot water. The steam will remove the oils and any impurities too. It’s a great, relaxing method.


5. Always put sunscreen on after your morning cleanse

To protect from the harmful toxins sunscreen is an essential. Use it into your makeup routine. It also prevents ageing because it forms a barrier against U.V. rays.

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