Rallies held across Pakistan as nation observes 'Sanctity of Quran Day'

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Islamabad (Web Desk): Rarriles were held across Pakistan as the whole nation observed Yaum-e-Taqaddus-e-Quran on Friday to lodge protest against desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden.

The peaceful protest rallies were organised in almost all major cities and towns in the country.
People belonging to different walks of life took part in the protests to express their resentment over the desecrations  of the holy Quran in Sweden.

Last week, a man had desecrated the Holy Quran in Sweden’s capital Stockholm, resulting in strong condemnation from several Muslim states, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the European Union (EU), Pope Francis and the Swedish government, among others.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Friday stated that the whole nation would protest across the country under the title of ‘Holy Quran Day’ today.

After Friday prayers all Pakistani Muslims will record their peaceful protest, he said.

“Quran is in our hearts”, he said adding that the entire Muslim Ummah was worried over the Holy Quran’s desecration incident in  Sweden.

“In order to express our feelings and emotions about the desecration of the Holy Quran at the hands of an ill-fated person, we will all protest nationwide today under the title of Holy Quran Day,” he said in a tweet.

“Quran is not only a reciting book for us but it gives us the guidelines to live,” he said.

Earlier on Thursday, addressing the joint sitting of the Parliament, PM Shehbaz urged Islamic countries to forcefully raise their voice against the recent despicable incident of desecrations of the Holy Quran in Sweden at all forms, including the United Nations, so that nobody can dare commit such a cri8me in future.

The premier said he will contact the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres to convene a meeting of the world body on this matter wherein heads or representatives of the all the Islamic countries are invited to express the sentiments of the Muslim Ummah.

"This session should also pass a condemnation resolution, suggesting ways and means to curb the provocative acts of disrespecting the divine books and holy personalities," the premier said.

He noted that the Islamophobic incidents are a conspiracy aimed at driving wedge between Muslim and the Christians.

PM Shehbaz also expressed his thanks to Pope Francis for condemning the incident and distancing himself from this profane act.

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