Joint parliamentary session summoned after India abolishes article 370

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Islamabad (Staff Report/Agencies): After the Indian government abolished Article 370 of the Constitution, President Dr Arif Alvi on Monday summoned a joint session of the Parliament at 11am on Tuesday (tomorrow).

The meeting will review the tense situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir and along the Line of Control.

Modi-led government had confirmed it had deployed at least 10,000 troops in the disputed region last week.

Earlier the day, BJP's government revoked Article 370 of the Constitution of India, which grants special status to Indian held Kashmir.

President Ram Nath Kovind signed this notification after India’s Home Minister Amit Shah formally proposed revoking the article which gave J&K autonomy over its affairs, except in foreign affairs, defence, and communication.

The development allows anyone from India to buy land in the disputed Muslim-majority region and comes into effect immediately.

If the special status is repealed, people from the rest of India would have the right to acquire property in occupied Kashmir and settle there permanently. Kashmiris fear this would lead to a demographic transformation of region from majority Muslim to majority Hindu.

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