Walking in rain can relieve stress anxiety

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Lahore (Web Desk):  During raining days most of people decide to stay indoors and cancel their plans of going outside. However, others take the opportunity to head outside and enjoy it to the fullest.

An American poet Henry W. Longfellow said, “Into each life some rain must fall.” and he was absolutely right, for experiencing rain doesn’t hurt and may even be good for you.  Here are some awesome benefits of walking in rain.


Walking in rain not only clears your mind of all the worries inside your head but also can relieve depression. The sound, the smell and the feel of rain is all very soothing and assists to divert attention from pessimism.

Brings out your creativity

When it rains, all the day’s activities are closed down and the streets are empty. It halps you to see things through a different perspective as it brings you out of your normal daily routine. With your mind clear, it gives space for creativity to flourish and our thoughts to run wild.

It’s relaxing  

The sound of rain is very comforting and walking in rain can help you relax. The cool breeze and rain drops further add to the effect. It helps cool our heads and eliminates our stress.

Therefore, the next time it rains, put away your sad hat and actually enjoy the moment while it lasts, because walking in rain can be mentally stimulating and if you allow, enjoyable.

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