Choose me or parents: Faryal gives final ultimatum to Amir fearing more sex tape leaks

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British boxer of Pakistani origin Amir Khan’s wife , Faryal Makhdoom, has given him a final ultimatum to choose between her and his parents amid fears that more sex tapes of the boxer will be released.

The family source said that Faryal is ‘bossy and controlling’. The source claimed that Amir’s wife still hasn’t gotten over Haroon’s ‘Michael Jackson’ taunt aimed at her, which also made her to forbid the boxer attending his brother’s wedding recently. Faryal tracks every move of Amir, added the source.

Earlier in an interview, Amir Khan and his wife Faryal Makhdoom said that they suspected the controversial video of the boxer was released by ‘someone close to them’ and simply ‘out of revenge’. Recently, Amir Khan and Faryal did not show up at his brother’s wedding celebration in Bolton.

Faryal had revealed that no one bothered to invite the couple to the wedding event of Amir's brother, Daily Mail reported.

Haroon in response had mentioned how the vicious feud between his family and Faryal had taken its toll. He added that Faryal was “a law unto herself’ [and] we, family, friends, are all shocked and saddened by what [she] has been saying.”

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