Pakistan ‘most improved’ country in nuclear assets security: NTI

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Islamabad (Web Desk): Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a leading US non-proliferation watchdog, has ranked Pakistan as the most improved in the security of those countries holding nuclear materials, improving its overall score by seven points.

According to an NTI Nuclear Security Index report released for the year 2020, Pakistan has ranked most improved among countries with materials in 2020, which improved its overall score by adopting new on-site physical protection and cybersecurity regulations, improving insider threat protection measures, and more.

The Nuclear Threat Initiative further said that Pakistan’s score improvement for regulatory measures is the second-largest improvement for regulations in the Index since 2012.

“We welcome that Nuclear Threat Initiative on weapons of mass destruction has categorized Pakistan as the most improved country for nuclear security measures in its Nuclear Security Index 2020,” Pakistan Ambassador to the United States Asad Majeed said in a tweet.

Among countries with weapons-usable nuclear materials, Australia ranked first for the fifth time. It also ranks first in the sabotage ranking for the third time.

Pakistan improved its score by seven points with its Security and Control Measures score increasing by 25 points due to actions to strengthen its regulations. The country’s score improvement for regulatory measures was the second-largest improvement for regulations in the Index since 2012. This improvement comes at the back of Pakistan improving by +8 in 2014, +2 in 2016, and +6 in 2018.

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