‘Lailatul Qadr’ to be observed tonight with religious fervour

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Lahore (Staff Report): Muslims across the country will observe ‘Shab-e-Qadr’ tonight (Thursday) with religious zeal and fervour.

The Islamic scholars said that Shab-e-Qadr falls on night of 27 Ramazan but it is better to search it in odd nights of sacred month’s last Ashra.

According to the holy Quran, Lailatul Qadr, the Night of Decree, is better than 1,000 nights as the angels and the spirit descend therein, by the permission of Almighty Allah with all decrees.

The night has special significance for the Muslims as angels come down on the earth as per order of Allah stay there till dawn of the day.

Muslims traditionally decorate mosques, houses and streets with colorful pennants and buntings and observe the occasion through nightlong special prayers, milad, Quran Khwani and held religious discussions at mosques regarding the importance of the night and highlight the teachings of Islam and life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) on this holy night.

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