UN chief Antonio Guterres hopes for 'meaningful' Pak-India talks

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New York (Agencies): United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he is hopeful that Pakistan India would “engage in a meaningful dialogue” to resolve their disputes.

Addressing a press conference at the UN headquarters on Friday, responding to a question by a Pakistani journalist regarding tensions between the neighboring countries and recent efforts by Prime Minister Imran Khan to hold peace talks, Antonio Guterres said he wished that Pakistan and India would “engage in a meaningful dialogue”.

The UN chief was referring to the damning 14th June UN report that calls for the establishment of a ‘commission of inquiry’ to investigate the grave human rights violations in Indian-occupied Kashmir.

Guterres said that he has been offering his good offices in relation to the dialogue between the two countries.

Later, the UN chief tweeted: "We need international cooperation more than ever, but simply saying this will not make it happen. Many people aren’t convinced and we need to understand why – and act on that understanding".

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