Hillary Clinton blames FBI director's letter, Russians’ hacking for defeat

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New York: Hillary Clinton blames Russian President Vladimir Putin on FBI Director James Comey's letter and hacking by Russians that was directed by Vladimir Putin for her loss to Donald Trump in the US election.

Clinton, told donors Friday that the October letter by Comey relating to emails from her private server in the waning days of the race was one of two "unprecedented" factors that cost her the presidency.

“Swing-state voters made their decisions in the final days breaking against me because of the FBI letter from Director Comey,” she said, according to audio from the event posted by The New York Times. Days after the election, Clinton had cited the Comey letter for stopping the campaign's momentum.

She called the second factor an "unprecedented Russian plot to swing the election" and voiced support for a bipartisan investigations modeled on the 9/11 commission.

"Vladimir Putin himself directed the covert cyber-attacks against our electoral system, against our democracy, apparently because he has a personal beef against me," Clinton said.

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