PM Imran appeals nation to strictly follow SOPs as COVID stats worsening

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Islamabad (Web Desk): Prime Minister Imran Khan has once again appealed the nation to strictly follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to curb the spread of Covid-19.

While chairing a meeting of National Coordination Committee (NCC) here on Thursday, the premier warned if the current trend of the virus persisted, it would put our hospitals, doctors and healthcare staff under tremendous pressure.

PM Khan said the opposition parties are holding public gatherings which increase the chances of the spread of the pandemic. He said by holding the gatherings, the opposition cannot put him or the government under pressure but they are putting the lives of people at risk.

The PM advised the opposition to postpone their gatherings for two to three months for the protection of lives of people. He pointed out that the wedding halls, restaurants and schools have been shut down as part of efforts to control the pandemic. He said we have also taken the religious scholars on board to ensure compliance of SOPs at the mosques.

During the meeting, PM Khan also stressed for completing the process of administrative approval of housing projects at the earliest.

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